Have a chat with the founder

Book a zero-commitment consultation to discover how to hire top performers in 21 days and supercharge your team while saving up to 60% in overhead costs.

You Ask — We Tell

  • Is there a minimum of hours required?

    No! There are no minimum hours requested and you can terminate a contract at any time with no consequences.

    The flexibility you were waiting for!

  • What are your payment methods?

    We invoice on the first day of every month.
    Our payment methods are:

    • Quickbooks (debit card, credit card, ACH)
    • Paypal
    • Zelle

    We do not accept checks.

  • Do you provide a W9?

    Yes, Gleky is an C Corp and an American company, so for all taxing purposes we provide our clients with a W9.

  • Are professionals familiarized with US codes?

    >90% of our professionals have worked on US-based projects from 3 to 5 years, so they have vast experience with US building codes and imperial measurements. 

    Needless to say, all of our professionals are fluent in English

  • Working hours?

    Coming from Latin America, we have almost the same time zone as the US, so it is very easy to adapt.

    This brings huge advantages when it comes to efficiency and it's a part of a top service!

  • Do you offer quality guaratees?

    Yes! If you are not happy in the first 15 days working with your drafter, we give all your money back.